A team building program that combines speed with challenge, communication with physical skills, and intuition with logic.

Program Overview

In each trial of the Outback program, two teams will battle to demonstrate skills and endurance. Don't worry, the activities are not physically challenging at all! We have chosen challenges that everyone can participate in, regardless of physical strength, age, or gender. The winners will be those who score the highest points.

Example Challenges:

  • Mega Jenga: Enhances coordination and patience.

  • Quoits: Improves precision and concentration.

  • Ladder Golf: Stimulates strategic ability.

  • Mega Puzzle: Develops logical thinking and collaboration.

  • Mined Field: Tests leadership and cooperation skills.

Team Competition

If we haven't convinced you yet, this program is an excellent opportunity even for leaders, who think they know it all. But do they, really? Time to find out! 

Don't miss the chance to participate in the Outback and develop both individual and team skills, in an innovative and fun way!

DURATION 3 hours

NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS min.10 - max. 200